Friday, October 3, 2008

Asian Fusion Altoid Tins

Wednesdays have become our weekly pot-luck days, for us three music interns. We have decided that every week we'd each make a dish to bring in and share. September 24th was our first pot luck. We ended up with various assortments of dip and microwaved s'mores. It seemed that these dishes loosely fell under the category of hors d'oeuvres. So, we thought it would be fun to have themes for each of our potlucks. The nest week was to be Asian food.

On our way home from Pinkberry one night, Laura, Julie and I stumbled across a Korean Supermarket where I found "Sweet Korean Pancake" mix. That sounded like a good idea. So, on Tuesday night I set up a space in the kitchen. While the instructions on the box were in broken English... the labels for all the packages of mix were in Korean... so I had no idea which one was flour and which was yeast etc... There was also a mytery package which turned my dough green. (I later found out that I had purchased "Green Tea" pancake mix).

So, my batch was far from perfect:

I brought it down to the third floor kitchen, where Julie was cooking. The first thing she does when she sees my pancakes is laugh, uncontrolably. She does brave one and give it a taste. They taste half-way decent, just look like cinder. So, to make a long-story short, I headed out to Gristedes (grocery store) and bought cool whip, chocolate chips and cherries.

Surprisingly, Julie and Brian ate my concotion. Needless to say, Julie is home sick for the second day in a row. Is this because of my food? Or a strange coincidence? You decide!

The eve' of our potluck, the three of us went to see Ben Folds perform at Terminal 5. The concert was INCREDIBLE! He performed quite a few songs from his new CD, "Way To Normal". One of the highlights of the concert was his prepared piano piece, "Free Coffee". He placed Altoid tins in hs piano, creating a very unique sound. I thought that the guy playing synths was accompanying him.... but it was in fact the prepped piano!

Missy Higgins, an Australian singer/songwriter, opened for him. She did well... but I thought a lot of her music sounded the same to me. There were several parts in her songs that were incredibly beautiful- then she began to whine and moan into the microphone, completely killing the mood. Shame.

On another, completely random note (since it was a completely random encounter). I was walking through Times Square tthis morning and saw a Netflix promotional tent set up. I went to get a closer look, and saw this man....

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love your before and after pics of the pancakes/trifle. ahaha, i will never forget that one!

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