Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Something funny I'd forgotten to mention....

Before I begin to tell you about this funny excerpt, I am going to have to tell you about one of the perks of interning for SNL. Since we do have quite a few late nights, for example- every Saturday, NBC wants to make sure that we get home safely (and not get mugged/murdered). So, we have access to a car service, Minute Men, which picks us up in Lincoln Towncars and drives us to where we need to go. I have taken this service home a few times when I have been a wok late, or dropping off/picking up instruments for repair. Anyway, to my story...

After the show this past Saturday, we were invited to an "intern after party" by Matt, one of he interns for the research department. So, after the show wrapped, Brian and I (Julie was still home sick) ventured off to find the Lower East side. We were supposed to take the F-train to... 14th street?- I don't remember. The point is that the train we got on did not stop where we needed it to. So, we ended up about 10 blocks too far south. So we go on the same train in the opposite direction... though this time it did stop at our stop (this still makes no sense to me).

From our stop we were supposed to take the L-train to the east. Conveniently, this station had signs that showed the time remaining until the next train is to arrive. The next L-train was not scheduled to arrive for another 20 minutes... it was already almost 3 in the morning by the time we had arrived at this station. For those of you who don't know, Saturdays we arrive to work at 11 am and don't leave until about 1:30 the next morning, we spend most of the time on our feet. That's over 14 hours of standing- which can be very tiring... So, we decided we would call it a day and just go home to sleep.

So, as we were leaving he platform to go home, Brian seems to be heading toward another train while I am going toward the exit to the street. I call down to Brian "Are you taking the subway home, or do you want to take the car service?". He replies "Yes, let's take the car service". As we make our exchange, another patron of the subway walks by and looks at us and, in quite a mocking tone, calls to us "Yes, of course! Take the car service, just like royalty"!

I could tell that the man was joking, but it was still extremely awkward. I hadn't thought about what I was saying... as much as I hate to admit it, having the car service had sort of become normal to me- I didn't realize what it must sound like to other people overhearing us talk about it..... I'm gonna have to think of some more tactful way of referencing Minute Men in public...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as uncle Larry says:
You can take the kid out of Grosse Pointe but you can't take Grosse Pointe out of the kid.

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