Friday, November 21, 2008

Journey to the Frigid North!!

I was lucky enough to get off work a few hours early last Monday- so I decided I would finally explore the northern parts of Central Park. As you may have guessed, given this post's title, it was quite cold in the Big Apple. But I didn't let that deter me from my explorations!

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to walk through the park!

Weren't the colors great?

A nice shot of the city overlooking the northern end of the reservoir. Ah, I could've just stood right there forever- or at least until I dies of hypothermia.

There was also a very nice pond toward the northern end of the park. I was hoping to go exploring even further, but it started to get dark... I have seen Home Alone 2 enough times to know not to be in Central Park at night! So, hopefully within the next few days/weeks I will venture farther north and have another Central Park blog!

P.S. Amazed that I didn't mention what food I have eaten in this post?


JVB said...

awesome pictures! I really like the first one... too bad that person is in it.

Anonymous said...

Hallo Christoph,

die Bilder sind toll ! Ich hätte dich gern begleitet......

(Vielen Dank auch für deine Postkarte, ichfreu mich schon auf deine Geschichten...)

alles Liebe Beate

Anonymous said...

nice photography, Christoph! If the SNL thing doesn't work out...

Anonymous said...

those really are some great pics!
nice blog work.

--your secret twin.

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