Thursday, September 4, 2008


So, yesterday started with me faxing all my forms to the HR department of NBC so that I can get my ID card to enter the building. I then called Melanie, who I will be working under, who asked if Julie and I would like to come in today to meet our other intern and get a feel for our internship.

So, we headed out to R
ockefeller Center to pick up our temporary ID's and head up to the SNL offices.

We met the other intern, Brian, from Chapman College in Caifornia. He showed me and Julie how to scan music into the computer (which, may I say, is a really thrilling job- haha). We spoke for a while with Melanie about what to expect with the internship and so on and so forth.

After we got done, around 5 o'clock, Brian came back to "305" with us. I changed and we picked up Laura (who lives on Julie's floor) an went to the "Burgers & Cupcakes" restaurant. We were originally told to avoid that place by our Residence Manager- but it was actually very good. I highly recommend their chocolate frosted cupcakes. Yum!

When we were done, the four of us decided to finally go to the South Seaport- which was great. It was a board-walk set-up, which had an atmosphere similar to that of Disney World. It also reminded me slightly of Ba

Julie and Laura were enthralled by the Stone Flower, which was a very interesting mixture of Claire's/Hot Topic and Tiffany's. They had a lot of very shiny jewelry and charm bracelets, as well as creepy voodoo-doll like keychains. It was quite an experience.

The boardwalk was very nicely set-up. There were several old ships docked at the pier, as well as several street performers. (See video below)

We explored the mall on the pier for a bit, but got there shortly before it closed.

So, after a little while exploring more of the area then headed back home........
........ Now continuing today's (Friday) adventure.

In the morning I went 
with Laura to the Chelsea Recreation Center to pick up our passes. We gave ourselves a quick tour of the building after we got our passes. We saw the pool and the various excercise and rec rooms.

When we got back, I headed back to NBC with Julie. We ate lunch at 'Wichcraft (a fancy little sandwich shop in the concourse of Rockefeller Center). We then joined Brian and Melanie up in the SNL offices for a few hours doing some work and getting more of a feel for our new surroundings.

After work Brian, Julie and I went to grab something to eat. We were looking for the Carneghie Deli... we found a place called the Stage Deli, and figured that was close enough- so there we went.

The Stage Deli is well known for it's tall sandwiches, each cleverly named after various celebrities (The Conan O'Brian sandwich, or the Giada DiLaurentis Salad). Brian ordered the Conan, which made the Empire State look diminuitive, and Julie had one of the regular ("If you can
 call them regular") sandwiches- which in itself required about three mouths to eat. I, on the other hand, opted for a simple Ceaser wrap- yes, I know- how boring.

Julie then decided to head back to 305. I needed a messenger bag because my pockets have been on the verge of combusting- amd the police on Tuesday have made me paranoid about pickpocketers. So Brian and I set out to find a messenger bag store. After quite some searching, I found one at the Gap. So, I now have a place (apart from my pockets) to carry all my stuff- my "man bag", as Julie refers to it as.

After a quick stop at Starbucks... or well, a rather lengthy stop, given the line... we parted ways and I headed back to the house.

Tonight Julie, Laura and I went to Little Italy in search of dinner. After several attempts and p
hone calls to find our way, we made it to the Italian District of Lower Manhattan. After I led the three of us on an unnecesary "sight-seeing" detour around 6 blocks, we found a quaint restaurant (Rocky's), where we ate.

Laura ordered an extra basket of bread with the intenrions of taking it home with her. So, she put a few pieces on her plate and asked for a to-go container. The waitress came and took her plate- but retuned without the bread... so.... um... what happened to that bread??

So... we came back to 305 and Julie and I had to fill out even more paperwork... so we headed to the downstairs computers to finish it up.... we have been here for about the past hour and a half to complete- just need to print, then we are done.

So, off to bed now- and a new adventure begins tomorrow!

P.S. Extra credit if you can tell me what the significance of this post's title is!

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