Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm a Chameleon!

So... it has been quite a day. I didn't think I was going to post anything today... but this evening's activities were so.... interesting, I just had to write about it.

Anyway, I will begin at this morning. After a slow morning, I went out and got some lunch with Brian- Julie was to cheap to want to buy lunch. Haha- just kidding... it is expensive here.

So we three interns then walked over to a studio in Chelsea to meet the SNL band. They are all great people and I am really looking forward to working with Saturday Night Live this semester.

We then attempted to walk back to 305.... but we were caught in the rains from Hurricane Hannah. Only Julie had an umbrella... a very small umbrella (ella, ella- ay, ay, ay, ay...) and would not share with us. So we walked through the torrential storm, which at first was very cooling, for bout five blocks and arrived at 305 soaked to the bone!

After ordering Chinese food for dinner; Julie, Laura and I ventured into the city in search of a Pinkberry ice cream store. Pinkberry is some weird frozen-yogurt from California. You can choose from thre
e yogurt flavors (original, green tea and coffee), and several toppings (such as yogurt chips, blackberries or bananas). 
It took us a while to locate a Pinkberry- so we googled it and decided to go to the Columbus Circle location. We grabbed our umbrellas and ventured out into the rain- again. We got on the red line and headed uptown. Several stops later we all seemed a little confused as to where we were. I asked if we should get off at this stop right as the doors shut and the train moved on. Turned out, that WAS our stop. So we had to get on another train back to Columbus Circle.

After some more walking around we finally found Pinkberry. We entered a Japanese neon-wonderland of bu
nny-shaped kitchen objects and frozen yogurt. We each got a yogurt and began to

None of us were (or, as a matter of fact, still are) sure of what we thought of it. It didn't taste good.... but it didn't taste bad either. It was very confusing.... and what was very funny was that my green shirt matched the interior decoration of the store.

I highly suggest that you go check it out... it's quite an experience....

P.S. Happy 18th Birthday Claire!!!!

1 comment:

Alexander said...

hey hey, everything sounds great! seems as if you really have to learn how to cook as much as you are talking about going out to eat;-)

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