Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's a breath of fresh air!

So, wow- it's been a while since my last post... let's see if I can remember all I have done since the 6th.

Well, the 7th was pretty much a repeat of the 6th for the most part... except that the evening was faaaar more interesting!

After work Julie, Brian and I headed back toward our house for dinner. We ate at the Chelsea.... something or the other. It reminded me a lot of Big Boy, minus the obese figurine at the door. Anyway, I'd say that the highlight of dinner was Julie's beverage.... which was only water. We all had water with our dinner- but Julie was lucky enough to get something extra! Her water had.... pulp...? in it.... It seemed to resemble backwash- though she hadn't had a drink from her glass yet. Calling it a water smoothie made it seem somewhat more bearable.

Anyway, after dinner, Julie had to go meet with her advisor for her other internship with the magazine the Brooklyn Rail. So as she jetted off to watch a punk-music forum, Brian and I decided we would go check out the Upright Citizen's Brigade- he had not been there yet. 

There was a show at 7:30 (it was already 6:40 when we decided to go) and a free show at 9:30. Since we had to be at work the following morning, we decided on the 7:30 show... even if it had a $10 entrance fee. 

We were both low on cash, so it was decided that I would wait in line while Brian found an ATM machine. So, I stood in a line (about 3 times the length of the line on the night Julie and I went), while Brian ventured out to find a non-shady ATM machine. The longer he took the more I worried that he would not get back in time and we would miss the show... Or we had come too late... and would miss the show.

Luckily, he came back just in time and we got in to the theatre. Unfortunately it was standing room only, but we were able to take seats on the floor around the "stage".

Tonight's performance was entitled "Azzcat". The premise was that an audience member would say a random word and the host would build a monologue around or inspired by that word. The rest of the cast would then improvise scenes based on the monologue.

That nights host was one of the writers of "Robot Chicken", so as you can imagine, he had some very interesting stories to tell. The rest of the cast was comprised of various faces, including (from my previous blog entry) "She Tried to be Normal, Scott Adsit ("Pete" from 30 Rock), and Bobby Moynihan (the newest SNL cast member). So I was very excited to see some of these people.... but little did we know what act 2 had in store for us....

.... After a brief intermission, they announced that a special guest would be joining the cast for act 2.  I was expecting some new up-and-coming comedian that I would have never heard about... but when the light came up, they asked us to give a warm welcome to.... ROBIN WILLIAMS!

It was such an unexpected surprise! From where I was sitting, I could have held up my hand an touched his leg! It is such a strange feeling having seen someone on television and in the movies soo many times, to then finally see them in person. You almost catch yourself thinking... "oh yeah, I guess he is a real person"....

So, work has been fun. I love my internship, I couldn't have asked for anything better.... Sadly, I think that is about all I can post, legally.... You'll just have to watch SNL this Saturday at 11:30 pm on NBC!

Anyway, on Wednesday night I met up with an old friend of mine from school in England. Roberta and I were real good friends, and at about the same time, we moved to Michigan and she moved to New York State with her family. We had never been able to get together until now, finally- 9 years later!

It was great to see her again. She's the first and only person I have seen since we moved away from England. It was really nice to talk to someone from that part of my life again. No one that I talk to can relate to those years in my life, because everyone from then (next to my parents and sister) live on another continent- so it was great to relive my British Elementary School memories... ah, I was very nostalgic.... and felt really old.... even though I'm only 20.... how sad s that? haha.

Later that night; Laura, Julie and I decided we would go and find Red Mango. Red Mango is basically an exact copy of Pinkberry (I know, right?) with a different (though not all that different) name and logo. The rest was identical... however, they had smoothies- so I decided I would try one... It was AWFUL! It was all pulpy and sour from the yogurt.... I really do not like CHEWING my drinks..... like Julie's water from the other night... Maybe I didn't like the smoothie because I was subconsciously thinking about that..... hmmm..... could be?

Finally, the exciting event of tonight. I was laying on my bed Facebooking, when I heard this dinging noise coming from the hallway.... kind of like someone is ringing a dinner bell..... turns out that was the fire alarm. Someone from the third floor burnt her popcorn and we all had to evacuate the house. Four fire trucks came- FOUR.... to rescue us from burnt Jiffy Pop. I have to say, I am very impressed by their response time.

Well, time to catch some z's... and try to block out the burnt popcorn smell.... where did I put my Febreze?

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