Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cupcakes, Eunice and Rachel Dracht

I forgot to mention in my last blog how much New Yorkers seem to like cupcakes. I have passed so many shops solely dedicated to cupcakes.

Anyway, yesterday was another very busy day in the big city. Since Julie and I do not have to start working until Monday, we have quite a bit of time to do some sightseeing. The original plan was to go to the South Seaport in Southwester Manhattan. The South Seaport is a part of the city near the piers which has been recently converted to touristy shops and attractions. So that was our plan for the day.

Before we were going to go explore the ports, we wanted to get a New York City Library card. So we trekked along 29th Street to 5th Avenue... that was quite a ways, so a break at Starbucks was well deserved.

Finally we made it
 up to 40th Street and decided to first stop in the Mid-Manhattan Public Library, since it was closer. If you would have told a bus-load of 8 year old girls that Miley Cyrus was giving a free concert in the library- it would not have been as half full as it was when we got there. I think the amount of people outnumbered the books!

We got into a long line for a card. A very mousy and frantic young man, who was as stable as TNT, was attempting to get us through the line.  Finally his colleague came and helped us... or, told us that we need to get a letter from our program stating how long we would be in New York City for. Alas, no library card.

Since we were out at 40th Street, we decided we would go to the main branch (see picture to the left).

Let me me just say that it was quite an interesting adventure. As Julie described it, the library was "like a big,
 empty museum... it looks like the castle from Beauty and the Beast. "

We wandered around the library for quite a while before we actually 
found any books. We got into the large wood-paneled rooms of the library which were used in the film The Day After Tomorrow. Wha
t was really amazing was that the room smelled like chocolate!! It was absolutely incredible!... I really want to go back.

After getting lost in, then finally getting out of the library- it was decided that we would go to the Chelsea Market on 9th Avenue and 16th Street. 

The best way I could describe the market would be like an indoor arcade, with a New York City flair. 

We ate lunch at a small deli in the market... which was bordered on each side by- a cupcake shop! What a surprise. All the cupcake shop employees ate at the same deli and it looked like a gathering of the infamous Ne
w York City Cupcake Cult.

We decided we would take the elevator up to see what the top floors were like. So, we got into the elevator with two business people... and ended up at the TV Stations of NY1 News... a lady came in ad told us that this building is where they broadcast Oxygen and the Food Network! Definitely in the plans to see if we can get a tour sometime soon!

After a few hours or so in the market we decided to go back to the house... we didn't think our feet could carry us to the south side of the island.

I decided, then, to go to the Apple Store. I took one of the trains from Penn Station to 53rd and 5th Avenue- about four blocks from the store. Little was I aware that I was getting on at peek rush hour...

First of all, it baffles  that it is hotter under the ground in New York City than above. Secondly, all the Manhattan was on the subway trying to get home after work- so you can imagine how hot it was... Not only was it hot- but it was CROWDED! I hitched a ride with the sardine express!

The best part of the trip was that our train stopped in the middle of the dark tunnel, for reasons unknown. The people on the train with me didn't seem to bothered by it, so I figured we were fine. However, we just wouldn't move. The train was at a standstill for a good 3 minutes.... or as a claustrophobe may feel- 3 days!

After escaping the subway, getting to the store, and returning mainly unscathed, it was time to get dinner... which consisted of a "small" greek salad- served in a bowl that could have easily bathed me.

We then wandered over to 26th street and waited in line to watch a performance of the Upright Citizens Brigade. 

The UCB is a theatre/comedy club owned and run by SNL's Amy Poehler. Although she was not scheduled to appear that night- one of my favorite SNL performers, Rachel Dracht (aka. Debbie Downer), was.

We got to the show about a hour before it started to wait in the standby tickets line. Luckily we had come early enough that we were only third in line.

About fifteen minutes into our wait, we were greeted by a very charming old woman. She began to carry a conversation with the man waiting in front of us in line. She practically spilled her whole life story to a total stranger, when she was originally only walking down the street to get groceries. We learned all about the Red Scare, her grandchildren, and why Gristedes Grocery store was way too overpriced. We affectionately named her Eunice.

Thankfully we were admitted into the performance. The first act was a reading of a pilot for a new television show, written by one the writers of Monk. It was read by Rachel Dracht, along with other SNL performers, and some people I had seen on VH1's The Best Week Ever.

The second act was a one-woman show by an act called She Tried to be Normal. She mjst have been "one of those kids" when she was growing up.

Anyway, that about summarizes yesterday..... let's see what today will bring!

P.S. We did not get to the South Seaport that day.

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