Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flying Metal Deathtraps to Wingardium Leviosa!

So... let me see what has gone on in these past.... 2 and a half weeks?

This past Sunday we all (Laura, Julie, Brian and I) went to Coney Island... well, we left late in the afternoon because the night before we had the SNL broadcast... and got back home at about 3am...

.... SO, twelve hours later we took the Q subway line for about a good hour to Coney Island, on the southern side of Brooklynn. After getting off the subway we ventured toward the piers.

The first thing we experienced at Coney Island was the Wonder Wheel at Deno's amussement park. The Wonder Wheel is far more than just an ordinary Ferris Wheel. Apart from going round in big circles (which it does), each carriage is hung from its own smaller circle within the wheel. Therefore, when you reach a certain altitude, your carriage is swung violently back and forth as it tries to regain its center of gravity! (See video below) Sounds great, huh?...

.... Laura didn't think so. So she watched as Julie, Brian and I climbed onto the Wonder Wheel. It was actually pretty terrifying. Even though we were inside a fenced-in cart, you could see it was a loooong way down. The first time the car swung (we were thrown back and forth about four times during the ride) I was second-guessing this being a good idea. But the more it went, the more fun it became. And we had spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean... nicely contrasting to the old dump that Deno's was built next to.

We all survived the ride and met up again with Laura. I very much wanted to go on the Spook-A-Rama haunted house ride. But no one would go with me... we all agreed that the people operated the ride were what made it scary... really, you should have seen them.

After mingling our way through the whining six-year olds in the kiddie park, we emerged on the actual boardwalk along the sea. We decided it was an ice cream/elephant ear break. So, we all got a snack and found a cozy spot along the beach to have a mid-afternoon snack.

We walked up the beach a little further before turning around and heading back toward the main strip. We stumbled across the "Irish Festival" which involved a lot of people drinking (and smelling of) beer and a U2 cover band.... and that was about it.

Anyway, it was time for dinner. We ended up going to a place that Melanie had recommended, 'inoteca. It was located in the East Village and served Tapas-style Italian food. Laura did not want to share (jk), so Biran, Julie and I had lasagne, the calamari salad, prosciutto finger sandwiches and the house special egg toast (which was delicious, just don't ask Julie about it!).

Afterwards we ventured a few blocks and subway lines to find Chickaliscious, a dessert bar! They had a large assortment of cupcakes, pudddings, shakes- anything and everything dessert related! I highly recomend it!

The rest of the week has been pretty uneventful. Work has been going well, but I cannot talk a lot about it- so you'll have to watch the show on Saturday (am I plugging it too much?).

Today, however, I was free until 5. Originally, Laura and I were going to go to the MOMA (Museum Of Modern Art), but we were to cheap to pay the $20 entry fee. So we thought we'd explore the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I pulled out my trusty Not For Tourists Guide and found us a subway route- and off we went!

It seems I should pay closer attention to details from time to time- especially when travelling. We ended up in Queens, which, for those of you who don't know, is on the other side of the river. So, after some debating on what to do next we decided we would go above ground and see Queens...

.... A laundromat, fried chicken express and lots of fog....

.... So back onto the subway in the opposite direction. At least we can say we;ve seen Queens!

We got off at Lexington Avenue and proceeded to go north. We didn't have a specific goal in mind, so we just wandered. We eventually turned East and headed down 3rd Avenue- where we found Dylan's Candy Bar! My cousin Amainda had recomended it to me, but had no idea where it was. So, naturally, we had to go in.

I felt like I had stepped into the world of Willy Wonka. There was candy EVERYWHERE! They had a huge pick and mix counter, candy bars, clothes, toys (all candy themed, of course), licorice, etc... There were 3 floors of PURE SUGAR! Even the stairs were decorated to look like candy.

On the third floor they had an actual cnady BAR. Similar in concept to Chickalicious- they had tons and tons of desserts. Cupcakes, cakes, ice cream- I definitely need to make a retunr trip here sometime soon!

After the sugar rush, we slowly headed back West. As we were walking down Madison Avenue, Laura spotted FAO Schwartz. Naturally we had to go in.

I felt like I was 5 years old again. I remember going into he store when I was in NEw York City in... 1994(?), so I would have been about 6 years old.

It was a little overwhelming. I hadn't really remembered how big it was.

They had a Harry Potter section which sold clothes/costumes, wands, etc... based on the books. It was all decorated to look just like the books- it was soo exciting! I never wanted to leave! So, I entertained myself there while Laura went to try out the "style your own barbie" toy. It was quite exciting.

So... that's been about it... Tomorrow's another show, so I will be on my feet for another 14 hours! But it should be fun!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

the look on brian's face--SHEER TERROR

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